Flooring gaps

Several factors can lead to flooring developing gaps. Humidity plays a key role, and often floors that were installed during a period of high humidity then later develop gaps as a result of humidity levels reducing. Humidity levels drop in the cooler months when central heating is turned back on. A seasonal gap should normally close back up.

Excessive and large gaps however can develop for a variety of reasons:

  • Excessive moisture

  • High humidity

  • Too close to heating source

  • Incorrect nail spacing

  • Subfloor deficiencies

Fix your flooring gap problem

For larger non-closing gaps a professional is required to properly repair the floor. Our expert team can identify and diagnose flooring gaps root causes, and offer solutions to resolve the issue. We are committed to minimising disruption during major works and preserving the unique character of your property for future generations.

Our full range of carpentry services

Explore our full range of expert carpentry services. From comprehensive flooring and joist services, first fix, second fix, stairs, bannisters, lofts, and garden and decking, whatever your project we have the expertise to deliver outstanding results.